Counseling By Video

All counseling by video at 70West Counseling is done through your computer via a platform offered on the internet called Zoom. 70 West offers counseling by video via Zoom (also referred to as tele-therapy) because many people find it impossible to come to our office for in-person therapy.

In 2020, tele-therapy became a definite necessity because of the COVID 19 pandemic. Currently all of our mental health counselors see at least some of their counselees remotely for tele-therapy via Zoom.

If you desire counseling by video on Zoom, please request the tele-therapy option when you engage our office for an intake prior to the beginning of your counseling. As your intake is processed our director will see which of our counselors is available for tele-therapy and assign you to the appropriate clinician for that option.

Our counselors can converse with you prior to your first appointment and make sure you understand exactly how Zoom works. They will prepare you for future tele-therapy sessions and make sure you are comfortable with the technology. We are very pleased to offer you this option of counseling via Zoom and we encourage you to take advantage of this exciting opportunity to use the most up-to-date technology for tele-therapy.